A Cannabis Company Tries to Help Veterans (Community Matters)
As Many as 30% of Veterans Have PTSD.
Recently featured on Think Tech Hawaii, the host for this show is Jay Fidell with guest HVGC's Bryan Buckley.
"The guys from Helmand Valley Growers Company (HVGC) all veterans, talk about cannabis. They tell us how vital the plant can be to soldiers after 20 years of war. Since 9/11, 7,000 US soldiers have died in duty, while 30,000 have lost their lives to suicide, and some studies show as many as 30% of veterans have PTS. With an estimated 2.5 million soldiers deployed in that time, this could mean as many as 750,000 Americans are experiencing PTS from war. HVGC, a veteran-owned and operated cannabis manufacturer dedicated to improving veterans’ health, believes cannabis offers their brothers and sisters hope."
For the full article: Think Tech Hawaii